Saturday, June 14, 2014

. . . And I got a one star review

Earlier this week I got a one star review. Yeah, I was bummed out a bit. How could this happen to someone as wonderful as me about a book as wonderful as that? I need to work through this (chocolate and pizza  usually helps but not at the same time). What a horrible disaster. What worse could happen?

Well. . . .

In Afghanistan, only 12 percent of adult women can read and write
Photo By vishwaant avk

. . . And I got a one-star review

In Turkmenistan the state closed all libraries and expelled foreign journalists

. . . And I got a one-star review

In Eretria 15 journalists have been jailed and held in secret detention centers

. . . And I got a one-star review

Libyan opposition writer Abdel Razek al-Mansouri  was jailed and Dayf al-Ghazal al-Shuhaibi was murdered

. . . And I got a one-star review

Seventy-Seven Journalists were killed while reporting the news last year

. . . And I got a one-star review

Watchman Nee had to smuggle his books out of a Chinese Prision

. . . And I got a one-star review

Dietrich Bonhoeffer taught a seminary "on the run" during WWII in Nazi Germany and wrote his last book while in jail awaiting his execution.

. . . And I got a one-star review

Tyndale, John Bunyan, Martin Luther King, The Apostle Paul and thousands of other were imprisoned and killed because they put pen to paper and dared to write

. . . And I got a one-star review

. . . And I got a one-star review

Writing is not safe. It was never intended to be.


  1. Great perspective. And I love that writing isn't safe. We can't please everyone all the time.

  2. This is wonderful, Terri. What you say here is so true. It probably eased the pain you felt of a one star review. I'll remember this for the future.

  3. Excellent perspective, Terri. Thanks for keeping up with world affairs.
